Thursday, December 4, 2014

Project Yesu #givebacktag

The holidays are here and wether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, or any of the other wonderful holidays during this time of year they all share something special: The act of giving and caring for our fellow man.  That is why we wanted to start something new for this holiday season to help the world.

The #givebacktag is something that we wanted to create to help small charities that deserve to be noticed!  

We decided to create the video below to help garner some much needed support for Project Yesu!  This holiday season we ask that you share this short blog post and Youtube video to your time line and other social medias to boost support for this awesome charity!  

We also challenge you to do this tag and use a small charity that you are familiar with or that you're even apart of!  Even if its just a simple tweet like this: 

"I support @projectyesu for the #givingbacktag"

You are letting your friends and family know that there is a world out there in need of help.

Some ways that you can help donate to Project Yesu:

1: Tweet and share using the #givingbacktag and naming project Yesu (or your preferred charity!)
2: Balsam Hill and Indi-gogo donation! Balsam Hill will match your donations up to $2000 and even after that they will donate 10% of everything raised above $2000 for Project Yesu!
3: Sponsor a Child: For all the info on sponsoring a child and directly changing a life click the hyper link!
4: Amazon SmileAmazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.

Remember friends you too can make a huge difference in the world wether its sharing this blog post, sharing the video, or donating the money you were going to spend on a cup of coffee to some one who needs help with the simple act of having a meal.

Best wishes to everyone! 
-Dillon & Korina
That One Couple TV