Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY: Paint Sample Calendar

So, we love to decorate our little apartment to try and make it a little less "rented" and more like home! We have a very eclectic, and unfortunately expensive taste. We don't mean to have expensive taste, it just happens!!! We can look at an entire store full of stuff and find the one thing we like, and it will happen to be the most expensive item in the whole store! We are on a tight budget, so decorating exactly how we want is just not in the cards right now. So, we make do! We find things we like, and try and make it ourselves. Doesn't always go according to plan, but we get some cute things done! Like this calendar! Buying a calendar of this size can get pretty pricey. So we decided to give it a go and make one ourselves! So, we thought we would share our latest project!

Not going to even lie to you, it was SO hard to get a good picture of this thing!!! So I promise it looks better in person! 
So here is what you will need:
-Frame from Goodwill or an Antique store (it can have a plastic or glass front)
-Paint samples (any color you want, we opted for the "ombre" look!)
-Glue or glue dots (we used glue dots from the scrapbook section that we had around our craft room) 
-Spray paint of your choice for the actual frame
-A ruler
-Dry Erase markers for after your project is done!
-Poster Board

So, the first thing you do is head to your local Goodwill or Antique store and find a frame. This is just the cheaper way to do it. If you want, you can just find a big frame at a store and get it there. But we opted for the inexpensive way! Found this frame at Goodwill for $4.99 and got 50% off on top of that. Bargain! So, we took out the, oh so cute, picture that was already there and set it aside. Take out the glass or plastic of the frame and get ready to paint it. 

Next, take a paint that you like the color of or that matches your room and paint that frame up! Now, if you were lucky and found a frame that you just loved and don't need to paint; don't! We just did this because we wanted a white frame that would match our room. So, take this bad boy outside and paint it! Depending on the type of spray paint you have will dictate how many coats of paint you will need. We did about 3 and it was perfect! Let that lay outside and dry, or put it in your bathroom to dry. We had to lock it up inside the bathroom so that our little critters wouldn't mess with it. 
While that is drying, you can move on the to next steps.

So we start with our paint samples, that are totally free from any hardware store or WalMart. Just walk on in and take as many as you will need. We had 30 different colors. You can pick whatever colors you want. We have quite a bright bedroom set so we went for the ombre in all sorts of bright colors. Cut them to whatever size will fit in your frame. We cut them so you could fit 6 across and 5 down. If we had found a bigger frame, I would have preferred doing 7 across.

Anyways! Cut them up all even and pretty. This is probably the hardest part just trying to get them all the same size, as well as the right size so that they all fit in the frame. So this step you should take your time and really pay attention and measure. If you don't want to mess with the measuring and squares, you can totally cut them in whatever shape you want!

Then, line them up and arrange them how you want to have them on the frame.
This took me FOREVER! We wanted to make sure the ombre was right and the colors were in the right spot. Just being picky! This part will go faster if you pick one color. haha! Then, take your poster board and cut it to size so it fits in your frame. Take your glue dots or glue and glue the paint samples on to the poster board. You can arrange these however you want. You can make it all random and tilted, or take the time to make them straight and perfect like store bought calendars. That's what we decided to do! 

And that's it!!! We love ours and the picture does not do it justice! Ours had a plastic front, and I think the marker would work better on glass, but it still works just fine. It is a nice addition to our bedroom and it was a fun little craft to do together! We had fun and it is just one less thing we have to spend loads of money on! 

If you use this tutorial let us know! We would love to know that our little craft made it into the homes of others! 


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