Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Surviving the Plane Ride.

In light of our trip coming up next week I thought it might be cool to give a few tips on surviving an airplane ride!

1: Bring a distraction!
A lot of people have trouble flying or being comfortable being several thousand feet up in the air, namely Korina. This is normal so it's important to bring a distraction with you whether it be an book, audio book, game boy, magazine, or someone good at conversation. 

2: Have a predetermined plan for getting off the plane! 
The night before look up your airports map. Figure out where you'll land and determine the best path to baggage claim and then to your car pick up or loading area. This will help in lowering stress to allow you to arrive more comfortably. 

3: Begin taking airborne two days before you leave. 
Airports and planes are full of germs and it's important to take precautions to make your body as healthy as possible to aid in defense of said germs. Plus taking the extra dosage of vitamins in the airborne will help your body stay chemically balanced and allow you to be more relaxed. 

4: Bring hand sanitizer
As said before, airports are usually dirty, and it's not the airports custodial staffs fault, it's just the amount of people that pass through the gates daily. So had sanitizer helps fight off the germs that hide around every corner. 

5: Bring a condensed spray or moist towel-let to clean your face after your flight.
 Being plugged into your seat with a hundred or so people breathing recycled oxygen thousands of feet above the world can take a major tole on your skin so it's important to have a way of refreshing yourself when you finally get out of the plane. I usually make a B-line for the bathroom and use a travel size of Evian condensed moisturizing spray. Basically it's water in a spray can. But it's unbelievably refreshing after being held up with so many different people from the flight. 

Hopefully these tips help you relax on your next flight and get you out of the terminal feeling calm and refreshed! 


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