Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tips On A Helpful Emergency Bag For Your Car!

Hey everyone!  Sorry it’s so late posting today but I wanted to write a little post on taking care of the little problems we run into while on the go!
Recently Korina and I have dealt with some little issues that could have been easily resolved if we had only had an extra bag in the car with quick necessities to help in any of the many situations we encounter.  Now the bag can be what ever you like as long as it can carry what ever you feel will help you best in your day to day.  I like to keep mine in my car, seeing as I spend a lot of time driving to and from work.   So I’ll break it down into two categories: mini bag and regular bag.
Mini bag:
This bag can usually be kept up front of your car and contains the little things to help with the most frequent problems.  The mini bags find great homes in the glove box or arm rests if applicable.  This bag should have: Tide Stain remover pen, Banda-des, Tampons/Pads, Tylenol/ Excedrin, hair ties, hair clips, and any thing else you can think that your girl or husband is always needing.  Anything we can do to make it easier on them, the better. 
Regular bag:
These are the types of bags you keep in your trunk and are really not meant to be seen often.  This is the bag you turn to when you get out of the gym and realize you have no clean clothes to change into.  I can’t explain how many times having something like this bag with me has helped me out!  The regular bag should have: A simple change of clothes (jeans, t shirt, old shoes, flip flops, etc).  The contents of the bag do not need to be super high quality clothing.  Try not to leave deodorant or colognes in the bag especially during summer time.  The heat from the sun will cause plenty of things in your bag to melt so just make sure to test all of your items before bringing them out on your adventures.   

Hopefully these tips on creating a emergency bag for those “oops” moments helps you establish your own!

Thanks, don’t forget to follow us!
Stay fresh, stay awesome.

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